Team overview

Mitten Kittens


AffiliationMichiganders and friends




Played Games
Day Rank Opponent R WH Final Win% SOS1 SOS2 RPI
May 2 27 HG 2.0 L H - 50.0% 0.578 0.538 0.539
May 9 2 Tequila Mockingbirds W H - 90.0% 0.589 0.580 0.707
May 16 66 WAMR L H - 11.1% 0.600 0.457 0.376
May 23 3 Capitol Punishment W A 14-2 76.9% 0.646 0.540 0.686
May 30 19 Empire Strikes Back W A - 80.0% 0.465 0.514 0.589
Jun 6 70 Jersey Fresh L A - 25.0% 0.398 0.516 0.362
Jun 13 36 Hillbilly Hitmen L A - 50.0% 0.517 0.522 0.511
Jun 20 42 The Diplobats L H - 37.5% 0.557 0.483 0.483
Jun 27 12 Texas Republic W A - 70.0% 0.593 0.584 0.621
Jul 18 22 Left Swingers W A - 72.7% 0.544 0.518 0.571
Jul 25 11 Victorious Secret L A - 75.0% 0.600 0.509 0.622
Aug 1 32 Suspicious Packages W A - 53.8% 0.505 0.549 0.530
Aug 8 73 Great Hambinos L H - 0.0% 0.636 0.460 0.346
Aug 15 31 Art of the Steel L H - 50.0% 0.444 0.515 0.531
Aug 22 24 Don't Poke the Bear W A - 71.4% 0.308 0.602 0.544
Upcoming Games
  • Games
  • W-L-T
    8 - 7 - 0
  • Win %
  • Runs Scored
  • Runs Allowed
  • SOS1
  • SOS2
  • RPI
Win% represents the percent games played that were won.
    Games Won + ( Games Tied × 0.5 ) ) ÷ Games Played = Win%
    ( 8 + ( 0 × 0.5 ) ) ÷ 15 = 53.3%
SOS1 represents the average of opponents' Win% for each game.
    AVERAGE(   50.0%  90.0%  11.1%  76.9%  80.0%  25.0%  50.0%  37.5%  70.0%  72.7%  75.0%  53.8%  0.0%  50.0%  71.4% ) = 0.562
SOS2 represents the average of opponents' SOS1.
    AVERAGE(   0.578  0.589  0.600  0.646  0.465  0.398  0.517  0.557  0.593  0.544  0.600  0.505  0.636  0.444  0.308 ) = 0.549
RPI represents the Ratings Percentage Index
    ( 40% × Win% ) + ( 40% × SOS1 ) + ( 20% × SOS2 ) = RPI
    ( 40% × 0.533 ) + ( 40% × 0.562 + ( 20% × 0.549 ) = 0.535
    ( 0.213 ) + ( 0.225 ) + ( 0.110 ) = 0.535
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