Team overview

Tax Dodgers





Played Games
Day Rank Opponent R WH Final Win% SOS1 SOS2 RPI
May 5 83 Jersey Fresh W A - 36.4% 0.409 0.469 0.403
May 12 40 The Quakes W A - 61.5% 0.474 0.449 0.525
May 19 48 BrewCrew W H - 50.0% 0.500 0.503 0.501
Jun 11 93 Shirts & Blouses W A 9-0 25.0% 0.428 0.426 0.356
Jun 18 42 Southern Aces W A - 57.1% 0.484 0.501 0.522
Jun 30 73 G-Nomez W A 18-11 45.5% 0.390 0.459 0.430
Jul 9 30 The Diplomats W A - 54.2% 0.597 0.519 0.559
Jul 15 97 Not Rocket Scientists W H - 7.7% 0.514 0.443 0.325
Jul 23 25 Swag Team 6 W H - 75.0% 0.428 0.489 0.569
Aug 4 95 The Great Hambinos L A - 33.3% 0.297 0.489 0.350
Aug 5 97 Not Rocket Scientists L A - 7.7% 0.514 0.443 0.325
Aug 13 52 Hillbilly Hitmen W H - 50.0% 0.472 0.528 0.494
Aug 20 13 Rock County Road Mappers W A - 92.3% 0.340 0.522 0.610
Aug 27 35 NASA Astros W H - 81.8% 0.302 0.496 0.547
Upcoming Games
  • Games
  • W-L-T
    2 - 12 - 0
  • Win %
  • Runs Scored
  • Runs Allowed
  • SOS1
  • SOS2
  • RPI
Win% represents the percent games played that were won.
    Games Won + ( Games Tied × 0.5 ) ) ÷ Games Played = Win%
    ( 2 + ( 0 × 0.5 ) ) ÷ 14 = 14.3%
SOS1 represents the average of opponents' Win% for each game.
    AVERAGE(   36.4%  61.5%  50.0%  25.0%  57.1%  45.5%  54.2%  7.7%  75.0%  33.3%  7.7%  50.0%  92.3%  81.8% ) = 0.484
SOS2 represents the average of opponents' SOS1.
    AVERAGE(   0.409  0.474  0.500  0.428  0.484  0.390  0.597  0.514  0.428  0.297  0.514  0.472  0.340  0.302 ) = 0.439
RPI represents the Ratings Percentage Index
    ( 40% × Win% ) + ( 40% × SOS1 ) + ( 20% × SOS2 ) = RPI
    ( 40% × 0.143 ) + ( 40% × 0.484 + ( 20% × 0.439 ) = 0.339
    ( 0.057 ) + ( 0.194 ) + ( 0.088 ) = 0.339
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