Team overview

Colorado Cutthroats






Played Games
Day Rank Opponent R WH Final Win% SOS1 SOS2 RPI
May 7 59 The Run Manufacturers W A - 42.1% 0.521 0.510 0.479
May 14 16 Don't Poke the Bear W A - 63.6% 0.603 0.529 0.601
May 21 32 Cold Hard Cash L A 14-15 64.3% 0.500 0.484 0.554
May 28 48 BrewCrew W A 18-12 50.0% 0.500 0.503 0.501
Jun 10 97 Not Rocket Scientists L A - 7.7% 0.514 0.443 0.325
Jun 18 69 Ornate Box Turtles L A - 27.3% 0.604 0.441 0.439
Jun 22 87 Task Force L A - 28.6% 0.435 0.447 0.378
Jul 2 79 Open Hand Slap W H - 16.7% 0.627 0.469 0.411
Jul 14 75 Left Swingers L A - 35.7% 0.470 0.468 0.424
Jul 23 6 Texas Republic W A - 90.9% 0.519 0.540 0.679
Jul 29 28 Children of the Corn L A - 70.0% 0.461 0.492 0.563
Aug 6 76 Sultans of Shop W A - 40.0% 0.380 0.508 0.414
Aug 11 86 2 Drink Minimum L H - 23.1% 0.478 0.499 0.383
Aug 14 43 NTAC All-Stars L A - 50.0% 0.546 0.465 0.511
Aug 17 85 Great Lakers L A - 15.4% 0.592 0.470 0.392
Aug 27 36 Slayers W H - 50.0% 0.607 0.480 0.539
Upcoming Games
  • Games
  • W-L-T
    9 - 7 - 0
  • Win %
  • Runs Scored
  • Runs Allowed
  • SOS1
  • SOS2
  • RPI
Win% represents the percent games played that were won.
    Games Won + ( Games Tied × 0.5 ) ) ÷ Games Played = Win%
    ( 9 + ( 0 × 0.5 ) ) ÷ 16 = 56.2%
SOS1 represents the average of opponents' Win% for each game.
    AVERAGE(   42.1%  63.6%  64.3%  50.0%  7.7%  27.3%  28.6%  16.7%  35.7%  90.9%  70.0%  40.0%  23.1%  50.0%  15.4%  50.0% ) = 0.422
SOS2 represents the average of opponents' SOS1.
    AVERAGE(   0.521  0.603  0.500  0.500  0.514  0.604  0.435  0.627  0.470  0.519  0.461  0.380  0.478  0.546  0.592  0.607 ) = 0.522
RPI represents the Ratings Percentage Index
    ( 40% × Win% ) + ( 40% × SOS1 ) + ( 20% × SOS2 ) = RPI
    ( 40% × 0.562 ) + ( 40% × 0.422 + ( 20% × 0.522 ) = 0.498
    ( 0.225 ) + ( 0.169 ) + ( 0.104 ) = 0.498
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